Sunverge, Stem ink behind-the-meter storage deals in Japan

Two California-based energy companies, Stem and Sunverge Energy, have inked energy storage deals in Japan, working with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. on behind-the-meter aggregation in the service territory of Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Sunverge will connect multiple separate storage units into a VPP managed with the company’s energy management platform. The platform is capable of adjusting within 15 minutes to major changes in demand. The Sunverge system will maintain a target wattage reading at individual meters, while also working to reduce demand charges.

Japan’s government wants to reach 20% renewable energy by 2030 and is examining VPPs as one option to help achieve that goal.

“The ability to aggregate and manage distributed energy resources as a fleet and combining and managing a logical subset and grouping as a virtual nanogrid is increasingly important in order to make the grid more stable, resilient and dynamic,” Sunverge CEO Martin Milani said in a statement. “When aggregated, renewables can contribute a significant portion of a country’s energy generation without significant investment.”

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